FROM 500 TO 2000 TONNE
The Weststeel silos are designed for larger farms and smaller commercial grain operations. It uses Westeel's Variable Section Stiffener to create the strongest grain bin possible with the most efficient use of steel. All Centurion sidewall sheets have a 4" corrugation and feature a G115 galvanized coating, which is 25% heavier than the industry standard.
It features slip resistant ladder rungs, safety cages, platforms and roof stairs are available as an option. The roof features a 30 degree slope for quick moisture run off.
Standard features include sealform foundation forming system, grade 8.2 bolts, JS500 coating, 4" wall corrugation, 44" high wall sheets, new Century door, extra sturdy roofs, grain gauge (up to 9 tiers), remote cap opener (up to 9 tiers), roof ladder and inspection hatch.
Optional features are ladder, safety cage and platform packages or roof stairs. Circ-Air aeration system, Easyflow u-trough unload system, roof vents & more!

FROM 500 TO 1500 TONNE
This range of bins bring high capacity grain storage on-farm using heavy gauge ultra flat corrugated steel which eliminates the need for internal or external stiffeners. The result is an extremely strong expandable bin that provides the ultimate in bin clean-out.
The corrugation pattern and lack of internal stiffeners delivers far superior bin clean-out. If contamination of grain varieties is a concern to you, Wide-Corr is the answer.
As with all Westeel products, Wide-Corr benefits from a computer assisted manufacturing process that produces precision cut sheets every time. The result is tighter seals at the connection points and an easier to assemble bin. Installation of a Circ-Air or a full floor aeration system is also easy thanks to the pre-punching of holes in the bottom sheets, which makes connection to drying floors a snap.
These bins come standard with a grain gauge, remote cap opener, roof and sidewall ladders and pass through rails.

FROM 150 TO 1500 TONNE
SeedStor has come to be known for its super fast, controlled unloading capabilities and affordable all-in-one price. It has no need for internal stiffeners, thereby eliminating the potential for grain hang-up. This means the cleanout is exceptional. It features a remote cap opener, powder coated ring beam and legs, 16" cone opening, roof inspection hatch, roof ladder, grain gauge.
Optional are rack and pinion shut-off, pass through rail, bin side wall ladders, safety cages, removable hopper to ground ladder (for safety), bolt-on inspection hatch

Westeel's floor aeration systems provide enhanced performance, strength and long term value for the protection of your valuable crops. It supports up to 100 feet of grain depth, and is significantly easier and faster to assemble.
The premium full floor aeration option delivers maximum performance when you require full volume conditioning or natural air drying of your grain. Westeel's full floor system features a uniquely perforated flashing which permits aeration near the bin wall, and full width perforation on the floor planks. The result is improved airflow circulation to the entire grain mass with no dead spots.
We are experts at grain storage, with products ranging from grain baggers, unloaders and bags through to flat bottom silo's with full aeration options, circular stairs, sweep auger and temperature monitoring. Store grain on-farm for surge capacity and to avoid waiting lines at the bin. Process grain to a higher grade for higher returns. Pocket handling charges and invest in your own farm infrastructure.